This page is here to Wake You Up!
Let’s do a Simple Exercise of Evidence!
See for yourself what’s really going on at a very specific website. This site is a recognized world wide site for corporate businesses all over the world. You may have even heard of it, Dun & Bradstreet.
Here’s the link, CLICK HERE it will open a separate tab…
We no longer are a Republic, not even a democracy, no we are a very large corporation. Just like ATnT, Nike, Microsoft you name it. We’ve been living a lie for over 150 + years.
Why this exercise?
You need to understand that this it’s not another “Conspiracy Theory”, no you’ll seen for yourself. If you want more, then do a search of any state, they’re all incorporated.
Why is this important to know?
To understand that we are under “Corporate Law” NOT “Constitutional Law”. What do we do next? If you want to find out how this could have happened, click the below button and start your knowledge journey today.
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